In The News

Andy Reid MBE wins pride of St Helens Courage Award

Friday night saw the winners of the Pride of St Helens Awards 2022 crowned on an emotional and inspiring night at Saints’ stadium.

It was the 10th occasion the event had been staged since its inception in 2012 and the glittering evening saw the best of St Helens celebrated.

Andy was nominated in the category for the Courage Award, due to recently completing his epic climb of Mount Kilimanjaro and becoming the first ever triple amputee in the UK to do so.

Andy graciously accepted the award and delivered a heart felt speech in which he said:

It’s not courageous climbing a mountain, it’s hard graft and takes mental strength to keep pushing beyond the pain and self doubt. What takes courage is asking for help and that’s why I climbed the mountain, to raise awareness and funds for our Foundation so we can continue to provide mental health therapy and drug and alcohol support.”

Thanks to everyone that voted and a massive congratulations to all other nominees and winners from the night!

(Images: Dave Gillespie)