They say time flys when your having fun!
Well it’s been 8 years today since I was injured in Afghanistan and time has definitely flown by but it’s not all been fun although in the most it’s has been a blast. Lets have a catch up on what I have done in eight years.
Learnt to walk

Sailed round the world
Won some awards

Got married

Left the army

Had a baby boy

Started own business

Moved house a few times
Had amazing pioneering osseointegration operation.

I have done so much more in between including raising over two hundred thousand pounds for charities close to my heart by pushing myself to the limits on challenging events.
Looking to the next 8 years and beyond. I’m writing a second book and more importantly just found out yesterday Myself and Claire are having a baby girl in March next year which puts life into perspective.

This journey is not about me it’s about my family and my children. Providing the best I can for them to have the best possible start on their journey.